
Virgos and Pisces compatibility

Virgos and Pisces Compatibility:

Although Virgos and Pisces are opposite signs, we still manage to get along with one another well. An earth sign and a water sign having a romantic relationship is unusual but also possible. We have similar characteristics that most don’t which allows us to bond so well. 

There are certain characteristics two individuals need to have to be compatible during a relationship. Virgos and Pisces are two individuals who have the characteristics that are needed to last long in a relationship. For a relationship to last as long as possible, a couple has to have characteristics that are suitable in all aspects of a relationship.

Luckily, Virgos and Pisces have the characteristics that are suitable in all aspects of a relationship. I elaborate on the aspects of a relationship and the characteristics Virgos and Pisces share in the paragraphs below!

Virgos and Pisces sexual compatibility:

Sexually, Virgos and Pisces are compatible individuals. Most Virgos like myself like to be submissive in the bedroom. This means we like for our partner to initiate sex the majority of the time.

From sexually interacting with Pisces women in my past, I learned that they don’t mind showing sexual affection. That’s all a Virgo man wants from their partner to feel comfortable enough to please them in the bedroom. It’s difficult for us Virgo men to want to please our partner if we have to guess if they are in the mood for it or not.

Thankfully, Virgo men don’t have to worry about guessing the mood their partner is in when dating a Pisces woman. Pisces women being outspoken with their sexual intentions makes us sexually compatible because Virgos enjoy pleasing our partner in the bedroom but not when we are unsure if our partner wants us to or not.

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Virgos and Pisces emotional compatibility:

Virgos and Pisces are some emotionally compatible individuals during a relationship. Both of us being respectful humans is what makes us emotionally compatible. Respectful individuals like us are the type who care for other’s feelings.

Especially when you are in a relationship, you have to be mindful of how you treat your partner. Treating your partner roughly and being careless about how they feel will cause arguments in the relationship. To prevent arguments you should treat others the same way you want to be treated then you’ll be considered emotionally compatible like us Virgos and Pisces.

Virgos and Pisces mental compatibility:

Being mentally compatible in a relationship relies on your intelligence. If you are not an intelligent individual then it’s unlikely you are mentally compatible in a relationship. You have to be able to comprehend well with your partner to be mentally compatible in a relationship.

Intelligence is a characteristic of Virgos and Pisces so being mentally compatible during a relationship is natural for us. There’s no need to worry about explaining yourself multiple times when dating a Virgo or Pisces. We’re able to comprehend after the first explanation.

Virgos and Pisces spiritual compatibility:

Supporting your partner’s beliefs during the relationship means you are spiritually compatible. Always criticizing your partner’s beliefs is a sign that you aren’t spiritually compatible. You and your partner need to trust each other’s decisions during the relationship.

Even though Virgo men like for situations to go in our favor, we’ll still support our partner’s decisions when needed. As long as their decision doesn’t harm the bond we have in the relationship then we are willing to accept it. Most Pisces women aren’t the selfish type so they’ll let their partner attain their beliefs during a relationship. Therefore, Pisces and Virgos are spiritually compatible since we both will support each other’s beliefs to remain united during a relationship. 


In conclusion, Virgos and Pisces are compatible enough to be in a relationship together. It’s unlikely for two separate zodiac signs to be compatible in an all aspect of a relationship but Virgos and Pisces have so much in common than other zodiac signs do. Our similar characteristics make us compatible in all aspects even though one of us is an earth sign and the other is a water sign.

Other earth and water signs don’t relate sexually, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually during a relationship. So the fact that Virgos and Pisces are compatible in all aspects of a relationship can be unbelievable to most but it’s true. Therefore, any Pisces who’s wondering if a Virgo is a good match for them doesn’t have to wonder anymore. 

For some additional information about Virgos then you should check out Virgo Man Secrets! You’ll learn some characteristics that most Virgos haven’t discovered about themselves yet.

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